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Crunching the Numbers
It Can Be Easier Than It Seems
The most important part of this function is knowing where to look, how to spot the patterns. At HRG we draw on our years of financial and P & L experience to create a comprehensive, unique approach to discovering financial irregularities.
Once we identify the areas of deficiency or irregularity, HRG creates, and is available to implement, a detailed financial roadmap to get you to your goals.
Our services include:
Concept Assessment
P&L Analysis
Pro Forma measurements
Corporate Restructuring
Forms and Compliance
Debt Relief Strategies
Bookkeeping Analysis
Food & Beverage Program Cost Structuring
A/P and A/R processing analysis
Payroll Tax Scrutiny
Workman's Comp Accountability
SUT Accountability
The bottom line, if it is out of line we fix it!
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